so you can get paid while traveling the world!

get ready to finally...

Turn your passion for travel into a career by helping travelers plan their dream vacations...

Do you roll your eyes every time you have to ask permission to take time off, or to come in an hour late? You could never RSVP "YES" to that last minute invite, or book that flight?

lack flexibility


Maybe your job is fine, but do you secretly wish you could get paid for planning trips to exotic places since that's all you want to do when you're at work any way?

lack passion


As you're constantly reliving Ground Hog Day, waking up, getting dressed, going through the motions, and coming home only to realize tomorrow won't be any different?



Do you cringe at the thought that you will work the same set hours FOREVER, have limited time off, and work for the sole purpose of paying your bills? Have you ever started a new job, only to realize it wasn't IT?

Or maybe you have always dreamed of being one of those people with an exciting and fun career, or having a side hustle that you could be proud of and that would allow you to travel more freely?

Let me guess, you're here because you're tired of seeing others living your dream life while you're stuck doing something half-heartedly? 

Do you feel like you were put on this earth to do more than just work an unfulfilling job?

Hey go-getter, I have a question for you...

Do you...

Let me show how becoming a Travel Advisor will change your your life

I hear you loud and clear - I was once in your shoes, and the soul prison wasn't for me either. 

In your new career, you will consult with clients on their dream destinations, put together bespoke proposals and itineraries, and get paid by hotels and tour companies for helping travelers plan their dream trips.

You can do it from the comfort of your couch or from any tropical destination you choose to explore. 
This is exactly what I do, and I am about to teach you how you can do it too. 

Can you turn your passion for travel into a full time career? Absolutely! I did it, and I know you can, too!

You don't need a large social media following or formal education. All you need is dedication, an uncontrollable desire to succeed, and the rest - your girl gotcha!

first travel advisor program created for the modern day Travel Advisor

The Travel Advisor Mentorship

allow me to introduce

allow me to introduce

Sign me up

This program is your blueprint:  a step-by-step guide on how to get started, market yourself online, attract the right clients, make money, land discounted or sponsored stays so you too can take charge of your life!

You will learn ways to find clients, gain access to the tools for success, networking events, make connections with hotels and industry professionals, and have my ongoing support to keep you on track.

Within 1 - 2 months you will learn the industry, start your own brand, get certified or join a reputable host agency (this is where most people make the wrong turn!), work with your first client, and start building your own travel agency

How can YOU become a successful
Travel Advisor?

The biggest question is HOW?

You will know the industry secrets, dynamics, and procedures so you can sound like a pro

You will choose the perfect niche and become a trusted expert in your field

You will use proven social media strategies (that I have successfully used) to target your ideal audience and grow loyal client base 

You will learn 4 important and effective ways to close a sale quickly and increase your revenue

You will learn the legalities and technicalities of the business, expenses and taxes

You will utilize my email templates to work with and pitch hotels and tour companies so you can start traveling the world 

You will attend monthly events hosted by industry professionals, hoteliers and tour company managers to help you build your network and connections in the industry

You will work with your first clients and get your first bookings under wraps (with my help).

So what will you walk away with after the program?

Discover exactly what you'll learn:

Take a look inside the course modules and...

Choosing your niche and specialty
(written material; 14 pages)

Niche ideas, earning expectations, finding clients and work involved in each niche (video; 35 mins)

Worksheet; Assignments & Surveys

Onboarding; Mindset training and Setting your schedule and goals
(video presentation); Task Calendar

Career of a Travel Advisor 101 (work and travel opportunities, pros and cons, mistakes to avoid, earning expectations (written material; 19 pages)
Choosing your niche and specialty
(written material; 14 pages)

Niche ideas, earning expectations, finding clients and work involved in each niche (video; 35 mins)

Worksheet; Assignments & Surveys

Onboarding; Mindset training and Setting your goals (video presentation) + Task Calendar

Career of a Travel Advisor 101 (work and travel opportunities, mistakes to avoid, earning expectations (19 pages)

Choosing your niche and specialty, niche ideas and earning expectations (14 pages + video; 35 mins)

Worksheet; Assignments & Surveys

Intro to a career of a Travel Advisor

Module 1

Module 2

Marketing, promoting and utilizing social media to attract clients and grow your client base

Travel Business Pre-Launch Checklist

TikTok Master course for Travel Advisors (video: 1 hour)

Reels (and IG) Master Course for Travel Advisors (video: 1 hour)

Marketing and Social Media for Travel Advisors

Module 3

Attracting and Growing your Client base

Email Marketing Training: creating and writing catchy newsletters and building your email list

Handling Emergencies

Worksheets; Assignments, and Challenges

Attracting and Qualifying your first client

Charging a planning fee

Creating irresistible proposals and bespoke itineraries (samples and templates)

Closing a sale and increasing your conversion rate

Module 4

Getting paid and ways to increase your revenue

Your Travel Business Launch (strategies, prep-work and legalities)

Networking and building connections with hotels and tour companies in person and virtually

Travel opportunities for Travel Advisors (discounted and sponsored stays); how to pitch and land sponsored travel (sample emails).

Worksheets and Assignments

Commissions and Personal Travel

Programs, websites and useful sites to run your business properly and efficiently

Downloadables; destinations and hotels  webinars 

Finding and signing with a (proper) host agency (interview questions & answers sample)

Creating a company, legalities, paying taxes 

Finding and signing with a (proper) host agency (interview questions & answers sample)

Creating a company, legalities, paying taxes 

Programs, websites and useful sites to run your business properly and efficiently

Downloadables; destinations and hotels webinars 

Legalities and Technicalities of starting and operating a Travel Business

Module 5

Module 2

Marketing and Social Media for Travel Advisors

Marketing, promoting and utilizing social media to attract clients and grow your client base

Travel Business Pre-Launch Checklist

TikTok Master course for Travel Advisors (video: 1 hour)

Reels (and IG) Master Course for Travel Advisors (video: 1 hour)

Attracting and Growing your Client base

Module 3

Programs, websites and useful sites to run your business properly and efficiently

Downloadables; destinations and hotels  webinars 

Attracting and Qualifying your first client

Charging a planning fee

Creating irresistible proposals and bespoke itineraries (samples and templates)

Closing a sale and increasing your conversion rate

Email Marketing Training: creating and writing catchy newsletters and building your email list

Handling Emergencies

Worksheets; Assignments, and Challenges

Module 4

Commissions and Personal Travel

Finding and signing with a (proper) host agency (interview questions & answers sample)

Creating a company, legalities, paying taxes 

Programs, websites and useful sites to run your business properly and efficiently

Downloadables; destinations and hotels webinars 

Module 5

Legalities and Technicalities of starting and operating a Travel Business

Getting paid and ways to increase your revenue

Your Travel Business Launch (strategies, prep-work and legalities)

Networking and building connections with hotels and tour companies in person and virtually

Travel opportunities for Travel Advisors (discounted and sponsored stays); how to pitch and land sponsored travel (sample emails).

Worksheets and Assignments

100+ Social Media Ideas for Travel Advisors

Worksheets, Assignments and Challenges

Mindset Training (video; )

Ways to market, promote and utilize social media to grow your client base

Travel Business Pre-Launch Checklist

TikTok Master course for Travel Advisors

Reels (and IG) Master Course for Travel Advisors

Marketing and Social Media for Travel Advisors

module five

module four

module three

module two

module one

100+ Social Media Ideas for Travel Advisors

Worksheets, Assignments and Challenges

Mindset Training (video; )

Ways to market, promote and utilize social media to grow your client base

Travel Business Pre-Launch Checklist

TikTok Master course for Travel Advisors

Reels (and IG) Master Course for Travel Advisors

Email Marketing Training: creating and writing catchy newsletters and building your email list

Building a website and landing page for free; writing a sales page

Worksheets; Assignments, and Challenges

Attracting and Qualifying your clients

Closing sales and Increasing your conversion rate

Handling Emergencies

Creating irresistible proposals and bespoke itineraries (samples and templates)

Attracting and Growing your Client base

module five

module four

module three

module two

module one

Attracting and Growing your Client base

Travel opportunities for Travel Advisors (discounted and sponsored stays); how to pitch and land sponsored travel (sample emails).

Worksheets and Assignments

Getting paid and ways to increase your revenue

Your Travel Business Launch (strategies, prep-work and legalities)

Networking and building connections with hotels and tour companies in person and virtually

Commissions and Personal Travel

module five

module four

module three

module two

module one

Programs, websites and useful sites to run your business properly and efficiently

Downloadables; destinations and hotels  webinars 

Finding and signing with a (proper) host agency (interview questions & answers sample)

Creating a company, legalities, paying taxes 

Legalities and Technicalities of starting and operating a Travel Business

module five

module four

module three

module two

module one

Join our private Facebook group group where you can and should ask questions or advice, connect with other travel advisors and share wins and questions.

Private member groups

You will have a total of 3 one-hour private zoom calls with your mentor (me) to walk you through the
 steps and answer your questions 

Meet and connect with other travel advisors during the group zoom calls hosted by your mentor (members only)

Group Zoom Calls

Get exclusive access to these free bonuses:

Wait, that's not all!

1:1 Calls with your mentor

1:1 Calls with your mentor

Get access to a bonus module  with extra resources, educational webinars and events, fam trips giveaways and past guests speakers

Access to webinars, event board, and fam trips with tourism boards

Get access to the free "Build Your Website" Training and learn how to create a beautiful website without hiring a web designer

Get access to the free "Email Marketing Training" and learn how to create and write high converting newsletters 

Training: Building email list
 & Creating newsletters

Training: How to build a website for free

Private zoom calls are designed to be tailored to your travel business, your needs, and goals  

1:1 Calls with your mentor




After our first call you will be sent a 30-day custom social media growth strategy with a scheduler, content ideas, links, instructions, free audits

After our second call, we will evaluate the progress you've made and create a 90-day custom strategy to improve your reach, client engagement and increase bookings 

Save $48 when you pay in full

$597.00 USD

one time payment of

Best Value

Are you ready to become a Travel Advisor?


$215.00 USD

three monthly payments of

A cashflow friendly payment plan

join now

join now

join now

danielle @daniellepurdytravel

I seriously cannot thank Yulia enough! I honestly didn’t know what to expect when I signed up for the program but, it was legit the best money I have spent (ever!) and I feel incredibly lucky to have found her.

I seriously cannot thank Yulia enough! I honestly didn’t know what to expect when I signed up for the program but, it was legit the best money I have spent (ever!) and I feel incredibly lucky to have found her.

Yulia goes above and beyond anything I could have ever expected. Whenever I have any questions, I go to her and know she’ll get an honest answer with my best interest in mind - always. I honestly can’t say enough good things about Yulia and the program!! Truly I feel so lucky and have learned SO much. 

Joining Yuia's Travel Advisor Mentorship Program has been well worth my time and money. Before starting the program I had absolutely no idea what working within the travel industry truly entails, but I am now happy to announce that I have officially started working as a Travel Advisor!

All of this was possible because of Yulia and everything her program has to offer. Yulia has been nothing shy of helpful, persistent, available at all times, and the best mentor. The program is very well put together and easy to follow as it includes written chapters, videos, powerpoints, and do-it-yourself worksheets. Being able to connect with other members of program has been an amazing experience as we are all learning the industry together. This program is truly a very small investment for a lifetime of success. I would highly recommend Yulia's program to anyone who is new to the travel industry as well as anyone who is looking to expand and further their knowledge of what a career looks like as a Travel Advisor. 

briana @lavishandleisure

Joining Yuia's Travel Advisor Mentorship Program has been well worth my time and money.
Before starting the program I had absolutely no idea what working within the travel industry truly entails, but I am now happy to announce that I have officially started working as a Travel Advisor!

This program is truly a very small investment for a lifetime of success. I would highly recommend Yulia's program to anyone who is new to the travel industry as well as anyone who is looking to expand and further their knowledge of what a career looks like as a Travel Advisor. 

This career is so underrated and I can't believe I had someone who taught me everything in a matter of months!!

I joined the program in hopes to be able to start a travel agency of my own. Yulia's program is a GEM and the craziest part is that she broke everything down, checked my emails to clients, and answered all my questions. I made my first $1100 with my very first booking! I honestly want this to be my full time career now, not just part time. She is the best teacher I've had in my 22 years of schooling!

kendra @plan travel with kendra

This career is so underrated and I can't believe I had someone who taught me everything in a matter of months!!

I joined the program in hopes to be able to start a travel agency of my own. Yulia's program is a GEM and the craziest part is that she broke everything down, checked my emails to clients, and answered all my questions. I made my first $1100 with my very first booking! I honestly want this to be my full time career now, not just part time. She is the best teacher I've had in my 22 years of schooling!

Danielle is now a full time traveler and a full time  travel advisor, has worked with a dozen of clients and landed discounted stays

Briana is now a full time travel advisor, was invited on her first hosted luxury trip and her travel agency was featured in a magazine

Kendra is a part time travel advisor and has surpassed her monthly income at her day job after 8 months 

briana @lavishandleisure

kendra @plan travel with kendra

feedback from students

Briana and her travel business @lavishandleisure were featured in a magazine

Mary from @mindfreetravel grew her TikTok to over 5000 followers and got 136 booking inquiries in 2 months!!!!

Rachel and her travel business @wanderlustcreationtravel were featured in a magazine

Briana from @lavishandleisure was invited on her first complimentary stay at a luxury resort in Mexico

I seriously cannot thank Yulia enough! I honestly didn’t know what to expect when I signed up for the program but, it was legit the best money I have spent (ever!) and I feel incredibly lucky to have found her.

danielle @daniellepurdytravel

Joining Yuia's Travel Advisor Mentorship Program has been well worth my time and money.
Before starting the program I had absolutely no idea what working within the travel industry truly entails, but I am now happy to announce that I have officially started working as a Travel Advisor!

This program is truly a very small investment for a lifetime of success. I would highly recommend Yulia's program to anyone who is new to the travel industry as well as anyone who is looking to expand and further their knowledge of what a career looks like as a Travel Advisor. 

briana @lavishandleisure

I joined the program in hopes to be able to start a travel agency of my own. Yulia's program is a GEM and the craziest part is that she broke everything down, checked my emails to clients, and answered all my questions. I made my first $1100 with my very first booking! I honestly want this to be my full time career now, not just part time. She is the best teacher I've had in my 22 years of schooling!

Kendra is a part time travel advisor and has surpassed her monthly income at her day job after 8 months 

I joined the program in hopes to be able to start a travel agency of my own. Yulia's program is a GEM and the craziest part is that she broke everything down, checked my emails to clients, and answered all my questions. I made my first $1100 with my very first booking! I honestly want this to be my full time career now, not just part time. She is the best teacher I've had in my 22 years of schooling!

This career is so underrated and I can't believe I had someone who taught me everything in a matter of months!!

kendra @plan travel with kendra

student accomplishments

I joined the program in hopes to be able to start a travel agency of my own. Yulia's program is a GEM and the craziest part is that she broke everything down, checked my emails to clients, and answered all my questions. I made my first $1100 with my very first booking! I honestly want this to be my full time career now, not just part time. She is the best teacher I've had in my 22 years of schooling!

This career is so underrated and I can't believe I had someone who taught me everything in a matter of months!!

Joining Yuia's Travel Advisor Mentorship Program has been well worth my time and money.
Before starting the program I had absolutely no idea what working within the travel industry truly entails, but I am now happy to announce that I have officially started working as a Travel Advisor!

This program is truly a very small investment for a lifetime of success. I would highly recommend Yulia's program to anyone who is new to the travel industry as well as anyone who is looking to expand and further their knowledge of what a career looks like as a Travel Advisor. 

Joining Yuia's Travel Advisor Mentorship Program has been well worth my time and money.
Before starting the program I had absolutely no idea what working within the travel industry truly entails, but I am now happy to announce that I have officially started working as a Travel Advisor!

This program is truly a very small investment for a lifetime of success. I would highly recommend Yulia's program to anyone who is new to the travel industry as well as anyone who is looking to expand and further their knowledge of what a career looks like as a Travel Advisor. 

This career is so underrated and I can't believe I had someone who taught me everything in a matter of months!!

I joined the program in hopes to be able to start a travel agency of my own. Yulia's program is a GEM and the craziest part is that she broke everything down, checked my emails to clients, and answered all my questions. I made my first $1100 with my very first booking! I honestly want this to be my full time career now, not just part time. She is the best teacher I've had in my 22 years of schooling!

Joining Yuia's Travel Advisor Mentorship Program has been well worth my time and money.
Before starting the program I had absolutely no idea what working within the travel industry truly entails, but I am now happy to announce that I have officially started working as a Travel Advisor!

This program is truly a very small investment for a lifetime of success. I would highly recommend Yulia's program to anyone who is new to the travel industry as well as anyone who is looking to expand and further their knowledge of what a career looks like as a Travel Advisor. 

I joined the program in hopes to be able to start a travel agency of my own. Yulia's program is a GEM and the craziest part is that she broke everything down, checked my emails to clients, and answered all my questions. I made my first $1100 with my very first booking! I honestly want this to be my full time career now, not just part time. She is the best teacher I've had in my 22 years of schooling!

Danielle from @daniellepurdytravel went on a work trip to Antarctica in her first year of becoming a travel advisor.

kind words

student's accomplishments

I have worked in the travel industry for over 8 years, from an admin assistant at a travel company, as assistant to a travel advisor to a self-employed Luxury Travel Advisor in one of the largest cities in world - New York City.

I realized that my love for travel overweighs the fear of not having a conventionally "safe and stable" job, and if I wanted my dream life, I had to create it for myself.

In my career I have traveled across 6 continents to some of the world's most exotic and beautiful destinations like the Maldives, Argentina, Greece, Turks and Caicos and been hosted by some of the most luxurious hotels.

I did it through hard work and tried and true methods from my mentors and years of experience. 

Hi, I'm Yulia.
I am a luxury Travel Advisor and frequent traveler generating 10-15K in monthly income from my Travel Advisor business...

Meet your mentor

This is my story. I've been through exactly what you're facing now. It did take a lot of hard work, self-motivation and self-discipline but...

Worked with 100+ clients in one year with a 90% retention rate

Became a honeymoon planner for Zola - one of the largest wedding registries in the United States

Became the ambassador of Casa de Campo - top luxury hotel in Dominican Republic; and a Marriott Brands Partner

Was hosted at 13 luxury hotels

I am living proof that it can be achieved...and I didn't stop there - in 2021 I:

If you know people who love to travel, you can start earning almost immediately.

Each booking is different, but an average traveler with a mid-range budget spends between $4K - $6K on a family vacation, or over $10K on a luxury vacation, which equates to commissions in the mid-high 3 digit or even the 4-digit range. 

But let’s be realistic…not everyone who completes the program will become a successful full time travel advisor, right!? There is truth to that, because this career requires dedication, consistency, and hard work.

So, let's look at your worst case scenario, shall we?
What if you simply don't feel like going after it full force any more?

 Well, it can always remain your side can still make commission from your friends and family's travel, or attend industry-only events or travel cheaply yourself.
Yes, this is your worst case scenario!

Now, let's talk about what it might look like for you if you DO put in the time, stay consistent, motivated and dedicated to your dream career and life!

You will start building your loyal client base of avid travelers, grow your network of hotels and tour companies, and you'll be compensated with a generous commission on everything you book.

Imagine telling your friends that you make a living by consulting with your clients on the newest and hottest hotels around the world; that you started your own travel agency that you can run from the most beautiful beaches in the world; that you get invited to stay at gorgeous hotels and attend travel industry events.

Now make that your reality!

How long will it take to start making money... 

So, what is your return on investment, you ask?

The Travel Advisor Mentorship Program comes with EVERYTHING you need to work successfully 

Speed up the leaning curve by providing you with proven formulas and all tried and true methods in marketing yourself and finding clients

Gain knowledge via free training for all relevant social media platforms and sites that will save you a lot of $$$

It has a no fluff approach with action packed advice in bite-sized modules that help you:

as a profitable Travel Advisor within 4-6 weeks

Be available to answer your questions, give advice, and guide you throughout the program

Share best practices and connect you with industry professionals

You will have an experienced mentor by your side who will:

Who will support you through your journey when you need it

Learn from myself and others who have completed the course and are now successful travel advisors

You will join a community of travel advisors:

You have questions, feel unmotivated or would like my opinion. I am here for you!

You need me to check your work and help with your first client (s)

Exclusive access to your teacher (that's me!) via monthly Zoom calls and email support to help you when:

Free stays you receive will depend on your business. It is NOT a good idea for you to become a travel advisor for free travel only. Once you start making money, connect with hotels and tour companies, it becomes more achievable.

When can I start traveling as a travel advisor?


I am always available to answer questions during our group calls or via email to make sure you don't feel lost in the information provided. I offer on-going support for every student via email as well. I also currently offer 1:1 calls

What if I have questions or something is unclear to me?


This is a self paced program and you can take as much time as you need to. Each module is released once per week with suggested deadlines (not mandatory). The fastest you can complete the course is 1.5 months.

How long will it take me to finish the program?


I bet you're wondering....

your questions answered

How long will it take me to finish the program?

What if I have questions or something is unclear to me?

When can I start traveling as a travel advisor?

I offer a full refund within 7 days after the course was purchased. After that, the program is non-refundable. 

What is the refund policy for this course?


Yes! This program is your live document and you will have life-long access to any and all updates, add-ons and events. 

Will I always have access to the program?


We get paid on travel arrangements we make for clients, therefore your clients don't need to pay you in order for you to make money. 

How would I get paid?


How would I get paid?

Will I always have access to the program?

What is the refund policy for this course?

Grow your social media like a pro to convert your followers into clients 

Build a travel business and grow your client base

Connect with hotel managers, tour company reps and other experienced travel advisors

Make money on every trip your plan for your clients

Travel on discounted rates or sponsored trips to different destinations around the world

Host your own events, group trips and retreats

Set your own schedule around your life and priorities

This program is perfect for you if you want real results....

Check out our member only events

Nikki P - Urban Adventures  guides division and head of Young Travel Professionals Networking group

Past Travel Industry Experts 

April Dawn VanWagner

guides division and head of Young Travel Professionals Networking group

Nikki P - Urban Adventures 

Business Development Manager for Club Med All-Inclusive Resorts

April Dawn VanWagner

Manager at a tour company and a trip organizer and consultant @alidatravel


Nikki  from Urban Adventures 

guides division and head of Young Travel Professionals Networking group

You want to own your travel agency and make money planning travel for others

You want to build a successful travel business 

You want to connect with hotel managers, tour company reps, and other experienced travel advisors

You want to gain access to discounted rates or free stays and fams (travel advisor trips)

Set your own schedule and work from anywhere in the world

Ready to roll up your sleeves and work hard
Passionate about travel and working with clients
Motivated, disciplined, and ready to live the life of your dreams

This program is for you if...?

You are NOT expecting to get rich quick. This is not an overnight success business and requires work and time

You are NOT joining the program for the travel perks. While this field opens up a lot of great travel opportunities, you must focus on building a business, not just take advantage of the benefits

You are NOT expecting to grow while not putting in the work or not following the steps in the program. The program will only work if you DO!

join now!

Save $48 when you pay in full

$597.00 USD


Best value!

So, are you ready to become a travel advisor?


three monthly payments of

$215.00 USD

A cashflow friendly payment plan

join now!

join now!